Wegagen Bank S.C wants to hire qualified applicants to the following positions
- Sr. Customer Service Officer-II
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Management, Business Administration, Economics or related field Experience: three (3) years relevant work experience.
Required no -9
Place of Work: Assosa, Sheko, Pugnido, Terpham, Dimma, Tepi, Gode, Semera and Ataye Branches
Deadline: October 15/2022
- Customer Service Supervisor-II
Qualifications:Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Management, Business Administration, Economics or related field Experience: four (4) years relevant work experience.
Place of Work: Bedelle, Assosa, Abobo, Gambella Branches
Deadline: October 15/2022
- Chief, Information Officer
Qualifications: BA or Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information System, Information Science, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering or related fields.
Experience: A minimum of 10 years work experience in Information Technology related field,
Experience: a minimum of 4 years shall be as department manager or equivalent level.
Deadline: October 15/2022
- Branch Manager III
Qualifications: Master’s/Bachelor’s in Accounting , Management, Business Administration, Economics or related field.
Experience: four(4)/six(6) years of relevant work experience; of which one year of experience should be as Assistant Branch Manager or Customer Service Supervisor.
Require no – 8
Place of Work: Konso Karat, Gimbi, Burayu, Holeta, Ambo, Worabe, Fitche and Chancho Branches
Deadline: October 15/2022
- How to Apply
Applicants fulfilling the stated criteria could send their applications with CV and copy of testimonials through
http://vacancy.wegagenbanksc.com.et:9090 from Monday October 10, 2022 to Saturday October 15, 2022, Tel. 0115-523800
Join our telegram:https://t.me/Ethio_Jobsvacancy2
Or t.me/lucyjob