Oromia Bank wants to hire qualified applicants to the following positions
Those who applied earlier are not required to re-apply for the second time as the first application will be considered ባለፈው ሳምንትበተመሳሳይስራ መደብየተመዘገቡአመልካቾች ለሚያዝላቸውበድጋሚመመዝገብአይጠበቅባቸውም(Marsaa Duraa Hojii Walfakkataa Baheen Kanneen Galmoftan Irra Deebitanii Galmaahun Hin Barbaachisu. )። Terms of employment… Permanent up on satisfactory completion of probation period.
As per the attractive salary scale and benefit packages of the Bank
Applicants are required to appear in person at each registration place (centar) and get registered by explicitly expressing the District Office they want to apply for
Documents required for registration are:- Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae (CV), original and unreturned copies of degree, student copy and
Grade 8 certificate enclosing the age of applicant. If the certificate of Grade 8 did not indicate age, applicants are required to bring the copy and original of their Birth Certificate.
Language Requirement: For applicants preferring to apply at Finfinne City and Oromia Regional State proficiency in Afaan Oroma Amharic and
English languages is required; whereas for those applicants preferring to apply at other work places other than Finfinne City & Oromia Regional
State, proficiency in Amharic, English and a regional local language is mandatory as well
The applicants are required to register only at one of the registration places (centers) indicated above otherwise application shall be disqualified
Assignment place shall be one of the branch found under the District Office applicants are applied for &successful applicants required to accept
the place where the Bank assigned them,
The applicants’ documents should be visible and free from eraser and erased documents will not be acceptable Only applicants graduated with the above listed fields of study are eligible for registration, Application date will be only Six (6) working days from the first date of announcement Le August 15, 2022 to August20, 2022 Monday to Friday during working hours and Saturday morning only up to 12:00AM]
Only short sted applicants will be contacted.