Jobs from Ethiopian civil Aviation Authority

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History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. This was 26 years after the first attempted flight by the Wright brothers and two years after the famous flight across the Atlantic by Captain Lind burg. Although Millet piloted the first aircraft which marked the history of aviation in the country, soon came with his successors with other types of airplane after one month time- in the month of September.

In 1930 five sweater airplane like Farman-192 and others were purchased by the government for postal, security and government services between the towns of Dire Dawa, Djibouti, Debremarkos and Gondar. The dream that Ethiopian they would pilot the airplane was not long in coming true. In 1930 Gaston Vidal, a French Instructor, established the first pilot training School in the town of Jigjiga which produced Mishka babichief and Asfaw Ali who were certified to be the first Ethiopian pilots. Mishka made his first solo flight on sept. 1, 1930 followed by Asfaw Ali only after thirteen days. Very soon Bahiru Kaba and Tesfamikael Haile were also added to the number. What is remarkable of that time was that W/ro Mulumebet Emrru also turned out to be one of the first Ethiopian female pilots. The school at Jigjiga was not only limited to the pilot training, but also added aircraft maintenance. Maintenance work was also began at Jenmeda (Addis Ababa) and Dessie. From 1926-1936 new domestic routes were opened to Gefersa, Bishoftu, Janmeda and Akaki, and the country had also acquired twenty airplanes until the occupation of Italy.

So ,the Ethiopian civil Aviation Authority wants to hire qualified applicants for the following positions

  • Required Fields:Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Management, Accounting and other related fields.
  • How to Apply

Read the Foot note of below attached picture and apply accordingly

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