Commercial Bank of Ethiopia – Call for Written Exam

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Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE)

The history of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) dates back to the establishment of the State Bank of Ethiopia in 1942. CBE was legally established as a share company in 1963. In 1974, CBE merged with the privately owned Addis Ababa Bank. Since then, it has been playing significant roles in the development of the country.

CBE is the pioneer to introduce modern banking to the country. It has more than 1280 branches stretched across the country. The leading African bank with assets of 565.5 billion Birr as on June 30th 2018. Plays a catalytic role in the economic progress & development of the country. The first bank in Ethiopia to introduce ATM service for local users.

Commercial Bank of Ethiopia wants to hire qualified applicants to the following positions

  • CBE Call for Written Exam
  • Bank Trainee Applicants for

Arada, Bole, Kirkos, kolfe, Megenagna, Merkato, Nifas Silk and Yeka Districts


Dear Applicants,

Thank you for your application for the position of Bank Trainee for Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

We are pleased to invite you to take a written exam on Sunday November 13, 2022 at 02:00 local time (Morning).


• You are required to bring your ID card;

• Applicants who fulfilled the critera (age <30, year of graduation 2020, 21, 22, CGPA > 2.5 for female and > 2.6 for male) were selected for the written exam;

• Mobile phone is strictly prohibited; anyone who brings his/her mobile phone will be excluded from the exam.

Please check name lists of applicants to seat for the written exam and place of the exam using the following links:

• Nifas Silk District


• Megenagna


• Yeka District


• Arada District


• Kolfe District


• Bole District


• Kirkos District


• Merkato District


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