Aggar Micro Finance institutions S.C | positions

Full Time
  • Full Time
  • Addis Ababa
  • This position has been filled

Aggar MFI is the first Commercial private Microfinance established in accordance with proclamation No 40/96 which is currently replaced by proclamation No.626/2009 to serve the “missing middle” to provide credit and saving services in urban and rural areas of the Country.

The founders envisioned to address both social and profitability objectives. Aggar was established by 443 shareholders with paid up capital of Birr 4,243,600.00. Currently its shareholders grew to more than 750, it’s paid up capital to more than 200 million and its total assets to more than 410 million.

Aggar Micro Finance S.C wants to hire qualified applicants to the following positions

  • Position: Trainee Officer

Qualification: BA Degree in Accounting/ Marketing/Management/Economics/ or related field

Experience: 0 year with GPA 3.00 & Above.

Microsoft Office particularly excels and word Skill is Mandatory.

Required Qty: 30 (Thirty)

Term of Employment: For 6 Months training then after permanent

Place of Work: Addis Ababa & out let branches


Microsoft Office particularly excels and word Skill is Mandatory for 1st and 2nd positions.

Work experience from PLC and related organization must be verified and presented in written while registration.

Salary as per the company scales.

Deadline: December 13, 2022

  • How to Apply

Interested applicants who meet the above requirements are invited to submit their application letter & CV along with nonreturnable credentials with 7 (seven) working days from this announcement to Human Resource & Administration Office Lideta,near Balcha hospital,Dama house 3rd floor, Office no 302.

Tel. 0115-579589 P.O.Box 316cod1250

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