World vision wants to hire qualified applicants for the following position. World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. Join their 34,000+ employees …

Your Primary Job portal In Ethiopia
World vision wants to hire qualified applicants for the following position. World Vision is the largest child-focused private charity in the world. Join their 34,000+ employees …
Internal and External Vacancy Announcement Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) is a non-governmental organization dedicated to improve livelihood and environmental security in …
Amhara Regional Health Bureau wants to hire qualified and competent applicants for the following positions. Position:Mobile Health and Nutrition team Required profession:Medical Degree How to …
Amhara Regional State Health calls the following applicants (who applied for Mobile Health and Nutrition team ) to sit for written Exam.
Benshangul Gumuz Regional State Education Bureau, Homsha Woreda,Arumela secondary school want to recruit qualified applicant for the following post on Contract basis with support gained …